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  • Compile Apps Schema invalid objects in R12
  • Apps 11i
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  • Using AD Control
  • FNDCPASS utility
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  • Find Apps Version
  • Cloning
  • Upgrade 11.5.9 to
  • Upgrade from to R12
  • Upgrading 9i to 10g with 11i
  • 11i/R12 General Topics
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  • Identifying Long Idle Sessions
  • Identifying High Active Sessions
  • Change hostname for EBS
  • Oracle 12c Database
  • Oracle12c PSU Apply
  • Oracle12c Datafile moved Online
  • Oracle 11g Database
  • Upgrade 10g to 11g R1
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  • Top 99 Responsibilities of a DBA
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  • 10g:Data Pump
  • 10g:Data Guard Installing
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    Wednesday, April 29, 2009
    Backup Recovery
    Hello Everyone!!!

    Backup Recovery

    Closed Database Recovery Steps

    Restore the damaged files from backup.

    SQL> startup mount
    SQL> recover database
    SQL> alter database open

    Offline Tablespace Recovery Steps

    Restore the damaged files from the backup.

    SQL> startup mount
    SQL> alter datafile '/u01/oradata/users01.dbf' offline;
    SQL> alter tablespace users offline;
    SQL> recover tablespace users;
    SQL> alter tablespace users online;

    Offline Datafile Recovery Steps

    Restore the damaged files from the backup.

    SQL> Startup mount
    SQL> alter datafile '/u01/oradata/users01.dbf' offline;
    SQL> alter database open;
    SQL> alter tablespace users offline;
    SQL> recover datafile '/u01/oradata/users01.dbf';
    SQL> alter tablespace users online;

    Cancel-Based Recovery Steps

    Restore the damaged files from the backup.

    SQL> startup mount
    SQL> recover database until cancel using backup controlfile ;
    SQL> alter database open resetlogs
    Perform a full backup of database.

    Change-Based Recovery Steps

    Restore the damaged files from the backup.

    sql> startup mount
    sql> recover database until change 2315 using backup controlfile
    sql> alter database open resetlogs

    Time-Based Recovery Steps

    Restore the damaged files from the backup.

    SQL> startup mount
    SQL> recover database until time using backup controlfile ;
    SQL> recover database until time '2009-01-01:12:00:00' using backup controlfile
    SQL> alter database open resetlogs
    Perform a full backup of the database

    System Tablespace Versus a Non-System Tablespace Recovery


    When a system data file is lost or damaged, the only way to recover
    the database is by doing a closed database recovery using RECOVER
    DATABASE command.

    Checking for Files Needing Recovery
    select, a.error from v$recover_file a, v$datafile b
    where a.file# = b.file# ;

    Happy Learning


    posted by Srinivasan .R @ 4:46 AM   2 comments
    This Oracle Application DBA Portal is the biggest knowledge gateway for the people in the world of Oracle...
    RMAN Setup
    Hello Everyone!!!

    Setup RMAN User, Catalog & Register

    sqlplus system/manager@rman <<__1

    drop user rman_TEST cascade;

    create user rman_TEST identified by rman_TEST
    default tablespace users
    temporary tablespace ts_temp
    quota unlimited on users
    quota unlimited on ts_temp ;
    grant connect , resource, recovery_catalog_owner to rman_TEST;
    # create the catalog
    rman catalog rman_TEST/rman_TEST@rman << __2
    create catalog;
    rman target \"sys/pass9999@TEST as sysdba\" \
    catalog rman_TEST/rman_TEST@rman << __3
    register database ;

    Full Backup Script – Hot Backup – Target DB in Archivelog Mode
    run {
    allocate channel c1 type disk;
    set limit channel c1 kbytes 500000;
    backup full
    filesperset 2
    (database format '/rman_backup/BACKUP/TEST_data_%U');
    sql "alter system archive log current";
    backup filesperset 10
    format '/rman_backup/BACKUP/TEST_arch%U'
    (archivelog all );
    release channel c1;

    Incremental Backup Script
    resync catalog;
    change archivelog all validate;
    allocate channel c1 type 'SBT_TAPE';
    allocate channel c2 type 'SBT_TAPE';
    format '/intr/cf_t%t_s%s_p%p'
    (current controlfile);
    incremental level 0
    tag db_intr_0
    filesperset 5
    format '/intr/df_t%t_s%s_p%p'
    sql 'alter system archive log current';
    filesperset 20
    format '/intr/rl_t%t_s%s_p%p'
    (archivelog all delete input);
    release channel c1;
    release channel c2;

    Full Backup Script – To Tape

    run {
    allocate channel t1 type 'SBT_TAPE';
    format 'db_%d_t%t_s%s_p%p'
    sql 'alter system archive log current';
    format 'arch_%d_t%t_s%s_p%p'
    (archivelog all delete input);

    Recover Specific Datafile
    allocate channel c1 type disk;
    sql 'alter database datafile 2 offline drop';
    restore datafile 2;
    recover datafile 2;
    release channel c1;

    COMPLETE RECOVERY script using current controlfile
    run {
    allocate channel d1 type disk;
    restore database;
    sql 'alter database mount';
    recover database;

    INCOMPLETE RECOVERY script using backup controlfile
    -- Required if there are gaps in log sequence

    run {
    SET UNTIL logseq = 6 thread = 1;
    allocate channel d1 type disk ;
    restore controlfile;
    restore database;
    sql 'alter database mount';
    recover database;
    sql 'alter database open resetlogs';

    COMPLETE RECOVERY script using backup controlfile
    run {
    allocate channel d1 type disk;
    restore controlfile;
    restore database;
    sql 'alter database mount';
    recover database;
    sql 'alter database open resetlogs';

    INCOMPLETE RECOVERY script using backup controlfile
    -- Required if there are gaps in log sequence

    run {
    # recover database until specific time
    allocate channel dev1 type 'SBT_TAPE';
    set until time 'Apr 20 2003 12:15:00';
    sql "alter database mount" ;
    restore database;
    switch datafile all;
    recover database;
    sql "alter database open resetlogs";
    release channel dev1;

    Happy Learning


    posted by Srinivasan .R @ 4:23 AM   0 comments
    This Oracle Application DBA Portal is the biggest knowledge gateway for the people in the world of Oracle...
    Tuesday, April 28, 2009
    Change hostname in Linux
    Hello Everyone!!!

    First you need to find out your hostname, you can do this with

    $ hostname

    Edit /etc/hosts
    You need to edit /etc/hosts and add a line for your host name

    $ cat /etc/hosts
    # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
    # that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost

    My new server IP is, i need to assign it hostname, to do this, i have edited /etc/hosts as follows.

    # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
    # that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost server12

    Edit /etc/sysconfig/network
    First lets see what is in the file

    $ cat /etc/sysconfig/network

    To change servers hostname to, change the file as follows.

    $ cat /etc/sysconfig/network

    Now you need to reboot the server to change the hostname.

    Happy Learning


    posted by Srinivasan .R @ 5:30 AM   0 comments
    This Oracle Application DBA Portal is the biggest knowledge gateway for the people in the world of Oracle...
    Wednesday, April 22, 2009
    R12:Major changes from 11i
    Technology Stack components

    Hello Everyone!!

    Major changes from 11i

    Release 11i –

    Release 12

    Client Tier

    1)R12 Replaces Jinitiator (oajinit.exe)
    2)Sun’s 1.5 Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
    3)Repacked into oaj2se.exe
    4)Netscape support for Applications and ADI

    Database Tier
    1)10g Release 2 ORACLE_HOME
    2)Oracle Database (Enterprise Edition)
    3)XDK -Database
    4)XDB - Database
    6)InterMedia option
    7)Spatial option
    8)Data Mining option
    9)JDK 5.0 to support Autoconfig

    Application Tier
    1)OracleAS 10g 10.1.2 for Forms & Reports Services
    Replaces the 8.0.6-based Oracle_Home

    2)OracleAS 10g 10.1.3 for Oracle Containers for Java (OC4J)
    Replaces the 8.1.7-based Oracle_Home provided by iAS in 11i

    3)JDBC 10.2

    4)JDK 1.5 for web & concurrent processing

    5)Servlet Container: JServ -> OC4J(OC4J is Oracles J2EE container)

    6)Apache: 1.3.19 -> 1.3.31

    7)Forms/Reports: 6i -> 10g

    Application Server 10.1.3

    1)The Java Oracle Home
    2)HTTP Listener
    3)Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J)
    4)Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server
    5)Application Server Control (ASControl)
    6)JDK 5.0

    Application Server 10.1.2

    1)The Forms or ‘C’ Oracle Home
    2)Forms and Reports
    3)Delivers native runtime executables for
    Forms (frmweb)
    Reports (rwrun)
    4)No relinking of native executables. User exists (Applications C Code) is now dynamically linked at runtime.
    5)10.1 Required Support Files (RSF’s)

    Happy Learning
    Oracle Apps DBA


    posted by Srinivasan .R @ 4:57 AM   2 comments
    This Oracle Application DBA Portal is the biggest knowledge gateway for the people in the world of Oracle...
    Monday, April 20, 2009
    Clone Apps 11i Instance
    11i Cloning

    STEP :1
    Oracle Universal Installer
    Perl 5.005
    JRE 1.1.8
    JRE 1.3.1
    JDK 1.3.1
    Zip 2.3
    OS utilities
    OS utilities
    (see 11i Install Manual) must be in
    the the PATH when running
    (Unix: make,ld,cc,ar - Windows: gnumake,link,cc,cmd)

    STEP: 2
    Apply the Rapid Clone patch
    3453499 in the Application Tier Administration node (as the APPLMGR user):
    o Log in to the APPL_TOP environment (source the environment file)
    o Create file
    perl AD_TOP/bin/
    o This will create in $APPL_TOP/admin/out

    * On the Database Tier (as the ORACLE user):

    o Copy or FTP the file to the
    unzip -o

    STEP :3
    Clone Oracle Applications 11i

    Prepare the source system database tier for cloning
    Log on to the source system as the ORACLE user and run the following commands:
    cd RDBMS ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/CONTEXT_NAME
    perl dbTier

    Prepare the source system application tier for cloning
    Log on to the source system as the APPLMGR user and run the following commands on each node that contains an APPL_TOP:
    cd COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/CONTEXT_NAME
    perl appsTier

    STEP :4
    Copy the Source System to the Target System
    Copy the application tier file system

    COMMON_TOP>/_pages (when this directory exists)

    Copy the database tier file system

    # Copy the database (DBF) files from the source to the target system
    # Copy the source database ORACLE_HOME to the target system

    STEP : 5
    Configure the Target System

    Configure the target system database server
    Log on to the target system as the ORACLE user and type the following commands to configure and start the database:
    cd RDBMS ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone/bin
    perl dbTier

    Configure the target system application tier server nodes
    Log on to the target system as the APPLMGR user and type the following commands:
    cd COMMON_TOP/clone/bin
    perl appsTier

    STEP :6
    Finishing Task
    1. Update profile options
    2. Update printer settings (If printers are not configured or you don't want to use printer you can skip this step)
    3. Update workflow configuration settings (Important)

    For detailed steps check Metalink Note # 230672.1

    Happy Learning
    Oracle Apps DBA


    posted by Srinivasan .R @ 11:29 AM   1 comments
    This Oracle Application DBA Portal is the biggest knowledge gateway for the people in the world of Oracle...
    Friday, April 17, 2009
    Upgrading 9i to 10g with 11i
    Upgrading 9i ( to 10g ( with 11i ( Applications

    Installation Steps

    Before Upgrade

    1. Take a Cold backup of Oracle Home and Oracle Database after shutting down all Processes and Database.

    2. Apply Interoperobility patch for 11.5.10 4335078.
    2. Apply Auto Config patch (5478710)
    3. Gather Optimizer Statistics Before the Upgrade using the scripts below.

    Note: This script must be run connected AS SYSDBA using SQL*Plus.

    SCRIPT #1
    spool gdict

    grant analyze any to sys;

    exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('WMSYS',options=>'GATHER', estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', cascade => TRUE);

    exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('MDSYS',options=>'GATHER', estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', cascade => TRUE);

    exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('CTXSYS',options=>'GATHER', estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', cascade => TRUE);

    exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('XDB',options=>'GATHER', estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', cascade => TRUE);

    exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('WKSYS',options=>'GATHER', estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', cascade => TRUE);

    exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('LBACSYS',options=>'GATHER', estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', cascade => TRUE);

    exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('OLAPSYS',options=>'GATHER', estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', cascade => TRUE);

    exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('DMSYS',options=>'GATHER', estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', cascade => TRUE);

    exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('ODM',options=>'GATHER', estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', cascade => TRUE);

    exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('ORDSYS',options=>'GATHER', estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', cascade => TRUE);

    exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('ORDPLUGINS',options=>'GATHER', estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', cascade => TRUE);

    exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA',options=>'GATHER', estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', cascade => TRUE);

    exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('OUTLN',options=>'GATHER', estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', cascade => TRUE);

    exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('DBSNMP',options=>'GATHER', estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', cascade => TRUE);

    exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('SYSTEM',options=>'GATHER', estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', cascade => TRUE);

    exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('SYS',options=>'GATHER', estimate_percent => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE, method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO', cascade => TRUE);

    spool off
    ----------------------- End of script #1 -----------------------

    4. SCRIPT #2
    This script creates the stats table, 'dictstattab' and exports the stats for the RDBMS component schemas into it. The export will give error if a particular component schema does not exist in the database. This can happen if a component is not installed or if it is invalid.
    -- This will be useful incase you want to import the stats back
    -- example:
    -- Following stmt imports the stats for SYS schema after
    -- deleting the existing stats.
    -- exec dbms_stats.delete_schema_stats('SYS');
    -- exec dbms_stats.import_schema_stats('SYS','dictstattab');

    spool sdict
    grant analyze any to sys;
    exec dbms_stats.create_stat_table('SYS','dictstattab');

    exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats('WMSYS','dictstattab',statown => 'SYS');
    exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats('MDSYS','dictstattab',statown => 'SYS');
    exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats('CTXSYS','dictstattab',statown => 'SYS');
    exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats('XDB','dictstattab',statown => 'SYS');
    exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats('WKSYS','dictstattab',statown => 'SYS');
    exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats('LBACSYS','dictstattab',statown => 'SYS');
    exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats('OLAPSYS','dictstattab',statown => 'SYS');
    exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats('DMSYS','dictstattab',statown => 'SYS');
    exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats('ODM','dictstattab',statown => 'SYS');
    exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats('ORDSYS','dictstattab',statown => 'SYS');
    exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats('ORDPLUGINS','dictstattab',statown => 'SYS');
    exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats('SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA','dictstattab',statown => 'SYS');
    exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats('OUTLN','dictstattab',statown => 'SYS');
    exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats('DBSNMP','dictstattab',statown => 'SYS');
    exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats('SYSTEM','dictstattab',statown => 'SYS');
    exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats('SYS','dictstattab',statown => 'SYS');

    spool off

    ----------------------- End of script #2 -----------------------

    Note: You can ignore the following errors:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-20000: Schema WMSYS does not exist or insufficient privileges to analyze an
    ORA-20000: Schema XDB does not exist or insufficient privileges to analyze an
    ORA-20000: Schema WKSYS does not exist or insufficient privileges to analyze an
    ORA-20000: Schema LBACSYS does not exist or insufficient privileges to analyze
    ORA-20000: Schema DMSYS does not exist or insufficient privileges to analyze an
    ORA-20000: Schema SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA does not exist or insufficient privileges

    Database Installation
    1. Log in as the Oracle user

    2. Prepare to create the 10.2.0 Oracle Home.

    Decide where you want to install the 10.2.0 Oracle Home on the database server node. It must be in a different directory than the current Oracle Home.

    Example :
    $ cd /ebis/proddb
    $ mkdir 10.2.0

    3. Install Oracle10G Release Database Server. Do not run any migrate scripts at this time

    The environment variables DISPLAY, TEMP, TMPDIR, TMP should be set before installing and any reference to the 8.0.6 or 9.2.0 Oracle Homes in the path or environment variables should be removed. OR Remove .env entry from the .profile from oracle user.

    (Remove sourcing of environment file from Oracle user profile and login again. Run xhost + as root user)

    Install Server Version

    Note: This may differ slightly from your prompts depending on the installation media.

    $ . runInstaller
    Check "Advanced Installation" checkbox on the “Welcome” screen
    Click the [Next] button
    Choose a new ORACLE_HOME Name (i.e. APPS10G_)
    Verify the location of the Oracle Home
    Click the [Next] button
    Click the [Next] button to accept the “Enterprise Edition” installation
    Review the success of "Product Specific Pre-requisites"
    Click the [Next] button

    Note: You will not be upgrading an existing Database at this time
    Choose the “Do not create a starter Database” radio button
    Click the [next] button
    Click the [Install] button at the “Summary” screen
    Run the “” scripts when prompted
    Click [Ok] to continue after running the script
    Click ‘Exit’ to acknowledge the end of installation
    Click the (yes] button leave the installer
    SELECT THE SAME ORACLE HOME (10g oracle home)
    Select 10g products à next
    Finish the installations.

    a) Set the environment
    b) Set .profile OR

    export ORACLE_SID=PROD
    export ORACLE_HOME=<10.1.0 ORACLE_HOME>
    export PERL5LIB=$ORACLE_HOME/perl/lib/5.8.3
    export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin:$PATH
    c) Unzip the patch in $ORACLE_HOME
    d) CD Disk1
    e) ./runinstaller
    f) run
    g) Create nls/data/9idata directory

    On the database server node, as the owner of the Oracle RDBMS file system and database instance, run the $ORACLE_HOME/nls/data/old/ script to create the $ORACLE_HOME/nls/data/9idata directory.

    After creating the directory, make sure that the ORA_NLS10 environment variable is set to the full path of the 9idata directory whenever you perform steps involving the 10g Oracle home.

    export ORACLE_SID=PROD
    export ORACLE_HOME=<10.1.0 ORACLE_HOME>
    export PERL5LIB=$ORACLE_HOME/perl/lib/5.8.3
    export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin:$PATH

    i) cd $ORACLE_HOME/nls/data/old

    The following will message appear:
    Please reset environment variable ORA_NLS10 to /ebis/proddb/10.2.0/nls/data/9idata!

    Prepare to Upgrade
    1.Check the free space on the SYSTEM tablespace. There should be at least 500MB of free space. Temporary tablespace 2GB

    $ sqlplus system/manager

    select nvl(sum(bytes)/1024,0) as "System Tablespace Avail(KB)"
    from dba_free_space
    where tablespace_name like '%SYSTEM%';

    Note: If it is necessary to add a Datafile use a statement similar to the following:
    ADD DATAFILE '/apps2/oracle/proddata/system07.dbf'
    SIZE 750M

    Apply OPATCH 2617419
    Create soft link
    Ln –s /usr/sbin/fuser /sbin/fuser
    Unzip the patch into $ORACLE_HOME

    APPLY PATCH 4605877

    NOTE: Database should be up and running.
    Give the same instance name as PROD and port as same port.
    Upgrade the Database
    1.Shutdown all processes running out of the ORACLE_HOME
    2.only the database shold be UP and Running.

    2.Set your environment variables
    export ORACLE_SID=VIS
    export ORACLE_HOME=/apps/visdb/10.1.0
    export PERL5LIB=$ORACLE_HOME/perl/lib/5.8.3
    export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin:$PATH

    3.Start the Database Upgrade Assistant

    Click the [next) button
    Select the Database to upgrade
    Click the [next) button
    Choose the size for the SYSAUX tablespace
    [ We recommend that you use 500 MB as the SYSAUX tablespace size. Set autoextend on for the SYSAUX tablespace.] after upgrade it will take around 7-8 GB depends on your DB size. Please make sure you have sufficient space in that directory.
    Click the [next) button
    Remove the check for the option to “Recompile Invalid Objects”. This will be during at a later step. If you want the dbua compiles your invalid objects then check the check box(but it will take time to10hr)
    Click the [next) button
    Decide on you “Backup” strategy
    Click the [next) button
    Decide on your Management Options
    Click the [next) button
    Review the “Summary” screen
    Click the (Finish) button
    You may disable the compilation of objects as that is done at a later step.
    Click the (Ok) button to acknowledge completion of the upgrade
    Review the upgrade results
    Decide on your option to configure “Database Passwords”
    Decide on your option to “Restore the Database” if you are not satisfied with your upgrade results.
    Click the (Close) button to end the upgrade

    Note: The following changes are noted in the summary:

    A spfile.ora is created
    Large_pool_size = 8388608
    Shared_pool_size was changed from 301989888 to 335544320
    The following parameters were removed:
    - optimizer_max_permutations
    - row_locking
    - undo_supress_errors
    - max_enabled_roles

    Adjust the Database parameters

    1. Alter Database parameters as suggested in Note: 216205.1
    New initPROD.ora file will be available in ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory.
    Make the below changes in the initPROD.ora and restart the database.
    2.Modify the location of the DUMP files

    a) Create the new locations for the dump files

    b) Alter the dump locations

    3.Modify the location of the directory for UTL_FILE_DIR

    a) Create the new locations for UTL_FILE_DIR secondary directory

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil
    mkdir outbound

    b) Alter the UTL_FILE_DIR secondary location

    4.Run utlrp to compile Invalid Objects

    The utlrp.sql script recompiles all existing PL/SQL modules that were previously in an INVALID state, such as packages, procedures, types and so on. These actions are optional; however, they ensure that the cost of recompilation is incurred during installation rather that in the future.

    To run the utlrp.sql script, complete the following steps:
    a) Change to the ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory.
    b) Login as a user with SYSDBA privileges.
    c) Run the utlrp.sql

    Note: This scripts will take several hours to run

    7. Check for Installation of Oracle XML DB
    select count(1) from dba_registry where comp_id='XDB';
    After the Database upgrade
    Gather statistics for SYS schema for this the free temporary tablespace should be more give 6 to 8gb

    $ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
    SQL> shutdown normal;
    SQL> startup restrict;
    SQL> @adstats.sql
    SQL> shutdown normal;
    SQL> startup;
    SQL> exit;
    Start the New Database listener.

    Migrate the CONTEXT_NAME directory to the 10.2.0 network/admin directory
    Modify the listener.ora, tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora to replace the 9.2.0 references with 10.2.0

    Setup the environment

    export TNS_ADMIN=/apps/visdb/10.1.0/network/admin/
    export ORACLE_SID=PROD
    export ORACLE_HOME=/ebis/proddb/10.1.0
    export PERL5LIB=$ORACLE_HOME/perl/lib/5.8.3
    export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin:$PATH
    lsnrctl start

    Run adgrants.sql (Conditional)
    If you have at least AD.I or Applications release 11.5.10 installed on your system, copy $APPL_TOP/admin/adgrants.sql from the administration server node to the database server node. Use SQL*Plus to connect to the database as SYSDBA and run the script using the following command:

    sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @adgrants.sql

    Grant create procedure privilege on CTXSYS

    From the administration server node, use SQL*Plus to connect to the database as APPS and run the following command:

    sqlplus apps/ @$AD_TOP/patch/115/sql/adctxprv.sql \

    Manually migrate files for the 10.2.0 environment
    Note:-- carefully change all the environment whichever showing the 9i oracle home to 10g

    Migrate the .env to the 10.2.0 ORACLE_HOME and modify the environment file changing the 9.2.0 references to 10.2.0

    Note: Global replace command for vi editor

    Implement and run Autoconfig on the new Database home
    1. Copy AutoConfig to the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME

    Update the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME file system with the AutoConfig files by performing the following steps:

    * On the Application Tier (as the APPLMGR user):
    a) Log in to the APPL_TOP environment and source the APPSORA.env file
    b) Create file. This will create in $APPL_TOP/admin/out
    perl $AD_TOP/bin/
    c) Copy or FTP the file to the
    * On the Database Tier (as the APPLMGR or ORACLE user):
    d) cd
    e) Source <10.2.0 CONTEXT_NAME.env> file
    f) unzip -o

    2. Generate your Database Context File. Execute the following commands to create your Database Context File:


    a) cd
    b) . .env
    c) cd <10.2.0 ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin
    d) perl tier=db appsuser= appspasswd=

    Attention: adbldxml uses your current environment settings to generate the context file. Therefore ensure that your environment is correctly sourced.

    3. Generate and Apply AutoConfig Configuration files
    Attention: This step performs the conversion to AutoConfig. Once completed, the previous configuration will not be available.

    Attention: The database server and the database listener must remain available during the AutoConfig run. All the other database tier services should be shut down.
    Execute the following commands:

    a) cd /appsutil/bin
    b) contextfile= appspass=
    Note: Running AutoConfig might change your existing environment files. After running AutoConfig, you should always set the environment before you run any Applications utilities in order to apply the changed environment variables.

    Recreate Grants and Synonyms
    cd $APPL_TOP
    . APPSORA.env
    Choose Menu Item #4 -Maintain Applications Database Entities menu
    Choose Sub Menu Item #2 - Re-create grants and synonyms for APPS schema
    Choose the number of workers

    Restart Applications
    cd $APPL_TOP
    . APPSORA.env
    cd $APPLCSF/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME
    . apps/

    Metalink Documents referred:
    1.282038.1 Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle Database 10g Release 1 (10.1.0)
    2.362202.1 Interoperability Notes Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle Database 10g Release 1 (10.1.0)
    3.216205.1 - Database Initialization Parameters and Configuration for Oracle Applications 11i.
    4.165195.1 - Using Autoconfig to Manage System Configurations with Oracle Applications 11i
    5. Note:359483.1-- Upgrading Oracle Server to in an Applications Environment


    posted by Srinivasan .R @ 5:09 AM   0 comments
    This Oracle Application DBA Portal is the biggest knowledge gateway for the people in the world of Oracle...
    Upgrade from to R12
    Upgrade Oracle Applications from to R12
    System Overview

    Oracle Applications Vision Instance
    OS: Redhat Linux update 5
    Type: Single Node instance
    Applications OS User: applmgrupd
    Installed directory: /d01/oracle/singlenode
    Database 9i OS User : oracleupd
    9i Database Home = /d01/oracle/singlenode/testdb/9.2.0
    10g Database Home = /d01/oracle/singlenode/testdb/10.2.0
    Instance SID: TEST
    Host: linux1

    Task – To Upgrade Oracle Applications to R12
    Note: Please use vision instance as it is already Multi-Org, Multi-Org is mandatory in R12

    Note: The below upgrade is only for testing purposes, not to be implemented in production servers, please do refer metalink for more information.

    Upgrade path
    • Applications R11.5.6 and below requires to first upgrade to R11.5.10.2/10gR2
    • Applications R11.5.7 and up can be directly upgraded to R12
    • Database in all releases must have been upgraded to 10gR2 ( / or should be done during upgrade to R12 ( and below

    Here are steps to upgrade Oracle Application to R12, let’s split the activity into 6 steps
    1> Please do upgrade the database from to, the steps are available in the below link

    2> Apply the below patches in your existing environment

    Shut down the entire E-Business Suite environment and perform a full backup
    4712852 - Minipack 11i.AD.I.4
    5726010 - AD Preparation Scripts for R12

    3> Run rapidwiz to create R12 code tree

    4> Apply the below patches in R12 environment
    4502962 – R12 Minipack

    5> Configuration Phase – R12

    6> Apply the online help

    2> Apply the below patches in your existing environment
    4712852 - Minipack 11i.AD.I.4
    5726010 - AD Preparation Scripts for R12

    Enable the maintenance mode

    adadmin defaultsfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/adalldefaults.txt logfile=adadmin.log
    menu_option=ENABLE_MAINT_MODE workers=4

    -- Apply Patch 4712852
    cd 4712852

    -- Takes 5 minutes
    adpatch defaultsfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/adalldefaults.txt logfile=4712852.log
    patchtop=/software/upgrades/ driver=u4712852.drv workers=4
    -- Apply patch u5753359.drv

    -- Takes 2 minutes
    adpatch defaultsfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/adalldefaults.txt logfile=5753359.log
    patchtop=/software/upgrades/ driver=u5753359.drv workers=4
    -- Apply patch u5467526.drv

    cd 5467526
    adpatch defaultsfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/adalldefaults.txt logfile=5467526.log
    patchtop=/software/upgrades/ driver=u5467526.drv workers=4

    -- Apply patch u5120936.drv
    cd 5120936
    adpatch defaultsfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/adalldefaults.txt logfile=5120936.log
    patchtop=/software/upgrades/ driver=u5120936.drv workers=4
    cd $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql

    sqlplus apps/apps @adtums.sql /usr/tmp

    -- Review TUMS report in /usr/tmp
    -- Apply patch 5726010

    cd 5726010/

    sqlplus apps/apps @adgncons.sql apps apps
    # modify the adcrtbsp.sql to specify the path for new tablespaces

    sqlplus system/manager @adcrtbsp.sql

    su - oracleupd

    mkdir -p $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin
    cp /software/upgrades/ .

    sqlplus '/ as sysdba' @adgrants.sql applsys
    -- Run rapidwiz to create R12 code tree
    The installation will install R12 applications components and the database home
    Select upgrade to Oracle Applications R12
    Select upgrade actions screen
    select create upgrade file system

    enter the parameters required to set up your new environment run rapid install Here are the screen shots for the same

    The Installation creates APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP, INST_TOP and 10g Oracle Home
    Move the new environment file into .bash_profile
    su - applmgrupd
    cd /d01/oracle/apps/apps_st/appl
    mv .bash_profile .bash_profile_11.5.10
    cat APPSVIS_linux1.env >> /home/applmgrupd/.bash_profile
    Now onwards, you are connected to R12 application
    -- Apply patch AD.A 4502962
    -- takes 6 minutes
    cd 4502962/

    Please enter the name of your AutoPatch driver file: u4502962.drv
    -- Run the American English upgrade patch driver
    -- Takes 40 hours
    cd $AU_TOP/patch/115/driver

    adpatch options=nocopyportion,nogenerateportion

    Please enter the name of your AutoPatch driver file: u4440000.drv
    Run the NLS upgrade patch driver (conditional)
    • Download the NLS Release 12 patch (4440000) for each active language in the system.
    • Run each driver (u4440000.drv) with adpatch
    • NLS patch driver has the same name as the American English patch driver.
    Synchronize NLS and American English product patches (conditional)
    • Generate manifest using perl $AD_TOP/bin/
    • Backup manifest file $APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/out/adgennls.txt
    • Don’t check Translation Level Updates
    • Upload manifest
    • Download and apply patch
    -- Configuration Phase
    Disable maintenance mode
    Run autoconfig

    Run rapidwiz to configure and start processes
    Sign on to R12 applications check concurrent managers

    Run autoconfig
    su - applmgrupd
    perl $AD_TOP/bin/
    su - oracleupd
    cp /d01/oracle/inst/apps/TEST_linux1/admin/out/ .
    unzip -o
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/TEST_linux1

    Run rapidwiz to configure and start processes
    rapidwiz - Upgrade to Oracle Applications Release 12 -> Upgrade Action -> Select Configure Upgraded

    Release 12 instance

    Note: I got the below error, but all services and the application is running.

    Sign on to R12 applications check concurrent managers

    Connect as sysadmin/sysadmin

    -- Apply online help
    cd $AU_TOP/patch/115/driver/
    adpatch options=hotpatch,nocopyportion,nogenerateportion
    Please enter the name of your AutoPatch driver file : u5051400.drv
    -- Gather schema statistics for CBO
    Release 12 employs cost-based optimization, which examines FND table statistics to determine the most
    efficient access paths and join
    methods for executing SQL statements. These statistics are gathered by the FND_STATS process, which
    you initiate by running the
    Gather Schema Statistics concurrent program.
    From your Release 11i APPL_TOP, complete the following steps:
    1. Log in to Oracle Applications with the System Administrator responsibility.
    2. Navigate to the Submit Request window (Request > Run).
    3. Submit the Gather Statistics program. (Schema)

    1. Upgrading Oracle Applications Note# 289788.1
    2. Oracle 10gR2 Database Preparation Guidelines for an E-Business Suite R12 Note#403339.1
    3. Oracle applications R11.5.10.2 Maintenance pack Installation Note#316365.1
    4. Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to Release 12 Part# B31566-01
    5. Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle Applications Release 12 Note#396009.1
    6. Oracle Applications Release Notes Release 12 Note# 405293.1
    7. E-Business Suite Release 12 Upgrade Sizing and Best Practices Note# 399362.1
    8. Upgrading to R12 Note# 414710.1
    9. Maintenance Wizard Note# 215527.1


    posted by Srinivasan .R @ 4:06 AM   1 comments
    This Oracle Application DBA Portal is the biggest knowledge gateway for the people in the world of Oracle...
    How to access EBS in mozile borwser in linux
    To enable the JAVA plugin in the browers...

    1. install required JAVA in /usr/java

    2.Go the plugin dir of your browser
    ex : 1. cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
    2. cd /home/oracle/firefox/plugins/

    3.create a link for the file
    ex : ln -s /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04/jre/plugin/i386/ns610/ .
    or ln -s /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04/jre/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/ .

    4. Try again with the Browser.
    these are the steps to access 11i in linux mozilla borwser..

    Linux, Mozilla And Oracle Applications 11i

    For the benefits of those who has been hunting around for a solution to running Oracle Applications on Linux, here's the steps on how to get it to run on a Redhat based distro :

    1. Download the latest Java SDK/JRE from Sun. The latest version is J2SE 1.4.2_01

    2. Save the downloaded SDK file, j2sdk-1_4_2_01-linux-i586-rpm.bin (approx. 40MB), in a directory.

    3. As root, extract the file:
    root@linux# ./j2sdk-1_4_2_01-linux-i586-rpm.bin
    This will extract the j2sdk-1_4_2_01- linux-i586.rpm file.

    4. If you are installing the JDK for the 1st time:
    root@linux# rpm -iv j2sdk-1_4_2_01-linux-i586.rpm OR, if upgrading from previous version:root@linux# rpm -Uv j2sdk-1_4_2_01-linux-i586.rpm

    5. The installation process will drop the SDK into the /usr/java/j2sdk directory

    6. Go to your mozilla plugins directory:root@linux# cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins

    7. Create a symbolic link to the library. NOTE if your mozilla is 1.3.X, then:root@linux# ln -s /usr/java/j2sdk/jre/plugin/i386/ns610/

    If your mozilla is 1.4.X and above: root@linux# ln -s /usr/java/j2sdk/jre/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/

    8. If your home directory also contain a .mozilla directory, then:
    root@linux# cd $HOME/.mozilla/plugins Create another symbolic link to the library as in step 7.

    9. Launch Mozilla and type the url to access your Oracle Applications:

    10. Now sit back and enjoy (or suffer?) Oracle.
    Warning: The above steps has not been fully tested and I believe Oracle will not support it. So, use it at your own risk. Cheers and say bye to Microsoft(and BG)


    posted by Srinivasan .R @ 2:58 AM   0 comments
    This Oracle Application DBA Portal is the biggest knowledge gateway for the people in the world of Oracle...
    Change hostname for E-Business Suite
    Run AutoConfig to change hostname for E-Business Suite

    Oracle E-Business Suite is dependent on hostname. User can easily change the IP of the machine, but user cannot anyhow change the hostname of the machine. To change the hostname, we need to run AutoConfig on E-Business Suite.

    First, startup dbTier. AppTier is not required at all in the whole process.

    Note:338003.1 How to change the hostname and/or port of the Database Tier using AutoConfig

    1. Login as oracle user.

    2. De-register the current database server.
    perl $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin/ appspass=apps contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -removeserver

    3. Update AutoConfig Context file with new host information. Edit $CONTEXT_FILE directly.
    * Copy $CONTEXT_FILE to a new context file.
    cp /opt/oracle/product/10.1.0/db/appsutil/PROD_.xml
    * Edit /opt/oracle/product/10.1.0/db/appsutil/PROD_.xml directly.
    - Replace all to
    - Replace all to <>

    4. Change hostname.
    - Execute " system-config-network" to change the new hostname for the machine.
    - Edit /etc/hosts with " ip newhost".

    (After changing hostname, you'll not be able to startup any graphical application such as xclock due to "Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server". You can press "ctrl + alt + backspace" to kill x server.)

    5. Execute AutoConfig for dbTier.
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin/
    ./ contextfile=$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/PROD_.xml

    Note:341322.1 How to change the hostname of an Applications Tier using AutoConfig

    1. Login as applmgr user.

    2. De-register the current apps server.
    perl $AD_TOP/bin/ appspass=apps contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -removeserver

    3. Update AutoConfig Context file with new host information. It is easier to edit $CONTEXT_FILE directly.
    * Copy $CONTEXT_FILE to a new context file.
    cp /opt/oracle/apps/prodappl/admin/PROD_.xml
    * Edit /opt/oracle/apps/prodappl/admin/PROD_.xml directly.
    - Replace all to
    - Replace all <> to <>

    4. Execute AutoConfig for appTier.
    cd $AD_TOP/bin
    ./ contextfile=/opt/oracle/apps/prodappl/admin/PROD_.xml appspass=apps


    AutoConfig doesn't convert E-Business Suite completely. Some settings may remain unchanged or reset to default. So, it is required to go check the configuration as described in Cloning Guide.

    Identified steps are:

    1. As applmgr, vi /opt/oracle/apps/prodappl/admin/ to ensure ctxfile is pointing to correct PROD_.xml file.

    2. As applmgr user, vi $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/ to ensure:

    3. As oracle user, do the following:
    $ sqlplus apps/apps
    sql> update icx_parameters set session_cookie_domain='';
    sql> conn applsys/apps
    sql> select profile_option_value from fnd_profile_option_values where profile_option_value like '%oldhost%';
    sql> update fnd_profile_option_values set profile_option_value='/opt/oracle/db/proddb/9.2.0/appsutil/outbound/PROD_newhost' where profile_option_value like '%oldhost%';
    3 rows will be updated.
    sql> exit;

    Done. You can startup AppTier now and access E-Business Suite login page at


    posted by Srinivasan .R @ 1:13 AM   21 comments
    This Oracle Application DBA Portal is the biggest knowledge gateway for the people in the world of Oracle...
    Thursday, April 16, 2009
    Discoverer Troubleshooting
    Generic Discoverer Issues

    Make sure Jserv is working fine.
    For all other discoverer issues that comes while accessing viewer page or start_ie page or discolaunch.htm, try the following :

    1. cd $ORACLE_HOME/discwb4/util
    2. ./
    3. ls –la .*id => there should not be any .*id file once the components are down. If any .*id file gets listed, do
    a. more .oadid ( good for any .*id file present)
    b. ps –eaf | grep nnnnn ( nnnnn is the value listed in step a )
    c. If this is owned by the wrong user, remove the file.
    4. Make sure ./ is in
    5. ./
    6. Check locator.log, gatekeeper.log and oad.log for error messages
    7. Check if the discoverer works fine. If not …
    g. check for correct ip in pref.txt

    Discoverer Viewer
    Problem Description:
    Discoverer Viewer fails with the following error...
    Wide area network connection failed.
    Unable to read locator.ior file at location file:/discwb4/applet/locator.ior. - Local area network connection failed. Failed to connect to locator .oracleoutsourcing.com_OracleDiscovererLocator4 using OSAgent. -
    Gatekeeper connection failed. -
    Hint: An administrator can further diagnose connection problems by running the "checkdiscoverer" script under /806/discwb4/util.

    Resolution :

    This happens when there is a discrepancy in the discoverer xml file.
    1. To locate the filename and its location go to : $APACHE_TOP/Jserv/etc/
    2. Look for "servlet.Viewer.initArgs" and note down the path it points to. Eg : "servlet.Viewer.initArgs=config=file:/tbmidi/product/iAS/Apache/Apache/htdocs/disco4iv/html/disco4iv.xml"
    3. Now grep for "path" in the disco4iv.xml file. The path should ideally look like, for eg : path="/tbmidi/product/iAS/Apache/Apache/htdocs/discwb4/applet/"
    If the full path is not mentioned, viewer fails.
    In this case, the path would have looked like........path="/discwb4/applet/"
    Change the path variable to display the full path as given in the eg.
    4. Restart Apache Server.

    Problem Description: Discoverer Viewer fails with the following error...

    Internal Server Error
    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

    “mod_jserv.log” display the following error……..

    [10/03/2005 17:08:39:120] (ERROR) ajp12: Servlet Error: Failed to set state

    Resolution :

    Update $APACHE_TOP/Jserv/etc/ by moving the following lines above the line with "" reference.


    Problem Description: Discoverer Viewer fails with the following error...

    Could not locate or parse the .dbc file corresponding to the given Oracle Applications instance.

    Resolution :

    Edit the $APPL_TOP/admin/_.xml context file and look for “s_appserverid_authentication”
    Set this to OFF and rerun the adconfig

    In 11510 default value is SECURE.

    Discoverer Launcher

    Problem Description: Discoverer Launcher fails with the following error...

    Wide area network connection failed.
    Unable to read locator.ior file at location http://:/discoshare/locator.ior - Local area network connection failed. Failed to connect to locator .oracleoutsourcing.com_OracleDiscovererLocator4 using OSAgent. -
    Gatekeeper connection failed. -
    Hint: An administrator can further diagnose connection problems by running the "checkdiscoverer" script under /806/discwb4/util.

    Resolution :
    This happens when the URL is wrong. It can be either the hostname or the port.
    1.Ensure the “fnd_profile_option_values” has the correct URL set.
    2.Grep for the URL in $APACHE_TOP/Apache/htdocs.
    a.For eg, a big-up url is given a wrong port no. ie
    b.grep -ir appsrolltest * discwb4/scripts/htmlvars_apps.js:var ORAWEBDISCO_IORCODEBASE =";
    c.Change the URL to reflect the correct port.


    Problem Description: Gatekeeper fails to start

    1.Go to $APACHE_TOP/Apache/htdocs/discwb4/applet directory
    2.Check the gatekeeper.log file for errors like ‘unable to bind to port’ or other errors.
    3.Fix the error and restart gatekeeper.

    Registering Components

    Problem Description:

    Registering Discoverer Preference Repository

    oadutil reg: Unexpected SystemException org.omg.


    1.The issue is with TMPDIR in $ORACLE_HOME/discwb4/
    2.Make sure that the entry for TMPDIR exists in
    For eg; TMPDIR=/lhypei/applmgr/product/806/discwb4/tmp

    Problem Description:

    -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBClass=com.visigenic.vbroker.orb.ORB: unknown test


    Goto the line no. specified in brackets and put the correct syntax as follows :

    if [ -d "${J_HOME}" ] && [ "${javavm}" = "java" ]; then

    (Sometimes the line no. in the error will not match with the above line, in that case you need to search for the above line in the vbj file and correct it)

    Problem Description:

    //product/806/discwb4/bin/dis4pr: error while loading shared
    libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Registering Discoverer Preference Repository.


    1. ldd /tohagi/product/806/discwb4/bin/dis4pr
    You will get => not found
    2. Executed the above command in the source instance, to get the correct path of
    3. Copy from source to target.


    Problem Description: Failed to Start OAD. Possibly the OAD is already running in the same port.
    1. Check for IP_ADDR in $ORACLE_HOME/discwb4/util/
    Correct the IP Address.

    Note : Along with the above error, if oad.log shows : error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

    2. Copy from source MT where discoverer is running to target MT.
    For eg : $ORACLE_HOME/vbroker/lib/ to target.

    Problem Description: Failed to bind to OAD

    The following errors can be found in locator.log :
    VisiBroker: Unable to contact agent in local node or from list provided.
    Will try to locate using broadcast.
    oadutil reg: Unexpected SystemException org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT[completed=MAYBE]
    Locator: No IP address given. Bind directly to server name
    Unable to bind to or retrieve information from preference object auohscabo02.oracleoutsourcing.com_10715OracleDiscovererPreferences4
    Could not locate the following object: repository id : IDL:DCICORBAInterface:1.0


    OAD: Fatal Error [Cross-device link].
    Unable to create repository file: /tcaboi/applmgr/product/806/vbroker/adm/impl_dir/impl_rep. Make sure VBROKER_ADM environmentis set up correctly
    Unable to create repository file: /tcaboi/applmgr/product/806/vbroker/adm/impl_dir/impl_rep


    Create a directory by name “tmp” in $ORACLE_HOME/vbroker/adm and put the following entry in $ORACLE_HOME/discwb4/

    export TMPDIR


    posted by Srinivasan .R @ 5:10 AM   0 comments
    This Oracle Application DBA Portal is the biggest knowledge gateway for the people in the world of Oracle...
    Overview Of ORA-01631: Max # Extents (%s) Reached in Table %s.%s

    Text: max # extents (%s) reached in table %s.%s
    Cause: A table tried to extend past maxextents
    Action: If maxextents is less than the system maximum, raise it.Otherwise, you must recreate with larger initial, next or pctincrease params.

    The max extents error occurs when the current number of extents equals the maximum number of extents in the max_extents parameter for the object, or the maximum number of extents allowable for the db_block_size, whichever is smaller, and an attempt is made to add another extent. Max extents can be set for an object using the MAXEXTENTS option of the storage clause. These kind of problems could be avoided by pro-actively monitoring the object sizes that may reach their max_extents.

    Diagnostic Steps:
    1. Run the following script to identify the tables with extent problems.

    SQL> select segment_name, owner, extents, max_extents
    2 from dba_segments
    3 where segment_type = 'TABLE'
    4 and (extents +1) >= max_extents;

    2. Follow up the scripts in: Note 1019721.6 SCRIPT: SCRIPT TO REPORT TABLES APPROACHING MAXEXTENTS.

    Possible solutions:
    1. If the value of max_extents for the affected object is less than the limit of maximum extents for the db_block_size of the database (refer to Note 1015356.4), then more extents could be allocated to the object.

    Alter the STORAGE clause of the object to increase MAXEXTENTS.
    In databases version 7.3.X or higher one could specify maxextents
    UNLIMITED (i.e. 2147483645), but use this with caution.

    where x is greater than max_extents and lesser than unlimited (2147483645);


    Remark: Note 50380.1 ALERT: Using UNLIMITED Extent Format

    2. It is not advisable to have a lot (hundreds of thousands, etc.) of extents that could result in large amounts of of space management operations in dictionary managed tablespase. In that case, or when the number of max_extents for the affected object reached the limit of maximum extents for the db_block_size,recreate the object with more efficient storage.Export the table and precreate the table before import, using larger storage parameters (initial, next, pctincrease) - to result in fewer extents, or export using COMPRESS=Y - to minimize number of extents after import.


    posted by Srinivasan .R @ 4:54 AM   0 comments
    This Oracle Application DBA Portal is the biggest knowledge gateway for the people in the world of Oracle...
    Monday, April 13, 2009
    Multi-Node Installation
    Multi-node Installation
    With the multi-node installation option, the configuration possibilities are endless. Any server can be placed on any node. You can also use this option to install multiple forms servers to balance the load of forms usage.

    Benefits of a Multi-node Installation
    The multi-node installation provides many benefits, including those listed on this slide. If you decide to have your forms servers in a Linux environment and your database servers in a UNIX environment, Rapid Install helps you to configure this multi-platform environment.
    Note: If you install multiple forms servers, they must be configured identically (including the operating system), otherwise load balancing will not function properly.

    Setting Up a Multi-node Installation
    In a multi-node installation, you can set up your servers on more than one node. That means you can install any type of server, on any number of nodes, in any combination. Regardless of the number of nodes you plan to use, a multi-node installation requires that you run Rapid
    Install on your database node first, before you install the other nodes. Then, using the same configuration file you created while setting up your database node, you run Rapid Install on each of the other nodes in your installation.

    Setting Up a Multi-node Installation
    Running the Rapid Install Wizard
    Step 1: Choose an installation operation
    Step 2: Choose a configuration type
    Step 3: Choose environment
    Step 4: Register Applications products and components
    Step 5: Select country-specific functionality
    Step 6: Select NLS settings
    Step 7: Select host names
    Step 8: Specify main settings information
    Step 9: Specify derived settings information
    Step 10: Review instance settings information
    Step 11: Save the configuration file
    Step 12: Review pre-install test results
    Step 13: Begin the installation
    Step 14: Complete the installation on the other nodes

    Step 1: Choose an installation operation

    Choose an installation operation
    Click the Install Oracle Applications button. Pressing the Tab key moves the cursor between options. Moving the cursor by pressing the Up or Down Arrow keys selects the option as well.
    Click Next to continue.

    Step 2: Choose a configuration type

    Select Multi-node to set up a configuration that installs the servers on two or more nodes. Besure that the first server you install and set up is the database. After you complete that installation, you will run Rapid Install on each of the other nodes in your system. Click Next to

    Step 3: Choose environment

    Choose environment: Database name
    In order to identify the Oracle Applications environment, give it a name and indicate the type of database you want to install.
    Rapid Install uses default names that suggest possible uses for the environment:
    • A production environment is a fully configured Release 11i installation that can be used for live production purposes.
    • A test environment is a mirror image of a production Release 11i installation. You can use it to test your installation before you go live.
    • A Vision Demo environment can be used to set up a Release 11i installation for
    demonstration purposes.
    Note: If you want to install another instance, for example, to use as a test environment, run the Rapid Install wizard again and identify the new environment on this screen.

    After you type the name, choose the type of database that you want to install. The database
    options are:
    • Fresh install database: An empty Oracle database, typically used for production or
    • Vision Demo database: An Oracle Vision Demonstration database used to set up demos
    or for evaluation purposes.
    • Do not install a database: This option assumes an existing database. It creates an
    Applications instance and configures it using your existing database. It is typically used for Windows clusters.
    Click Next to continue.

    Step 4: Register Applications products and components

    Rapid Install installs all products regardless of their licensed status. You use this screen to register the products that you have licensed for use in your system. Your Oracle Corporation license agreement specifies the type of license that applies to your installation. Click Use
    Component Applications Licensing or Use E-Business Suite Licensing, according to the
    agreement. Rapid Install automatically installs and registers shared and dependent products for you, so they are selected by default.
    Choosing the Component Applications Licensing option registers the products for the
    Applications component(s) specified in your license agreement. When you choose to register an Applications component, you register all the products that it includes. You can also register the products in a component individually. To view individual products, click the Prod. Detail
    button. The Available Products screen appears.

    All individual Oracle products are listed on this screen, including shared or dependent products. Notice that Rapid Install places a check mark beside the products you indicated on the register products screen. Shared or dependent products are shaded, so you cannot select them. Rapid Install automatically installs and registers these shared and dependent products for
    you, so they are selected by default.
    Review your selections on this screen. If you selected a component on the previous screen, you cannot deselect any of its individual products on this screen. If you want to install individual products instead of all the products in a component, press Cancel to return to the product registration screen. Uncheck Use Component Applications Licensing, and do not check any component applications. Click Prod. Detail and make individual product selections on the
    Available Products screen. Click OK to return to the product registration screen.

    Choosing the E-Business Suite Licensing option causes Rapid Install to automatically register all the products included in the E-Business Suite price bundle.
    Note that some of the modules are grayed out. The ones that are not must be installed
    separately as Add-on products — they are not part of the E-Business Suite price bundle. Click the Prod. Detail button to display the Available Products screen.

    Most of the individual Add-on products are checked, indicating that they will be installed and registered automatically. If you want to select individual products, select them now.
    If you have chosen to install a product that is controlled, Rapid Install displays an alert screen.
    Follow the instructions on the screen as they apply to your installation. Click OK to return to the product registration screen. Click Next to continue.
    Note: Once a product is registered, it cannot be unregistered.

    Step 5: Select country-specific functionality

    Select country-specific functionality
    If you will use country-specific features, select one or more country-specific functionalities to install. All countries that Oracle supports are listed on this screen. Click the appropriate check box to make your selections. Click Next to continue.
    Note: The Globalizations products, JA, JE, JG, and JL are associated with country-specific functionalities. They cannot be registered from the product registering screens. For example, when you select BR-Brazil, the JL product will be set to licensed.

    Step 6: Select NLS settings

    The fresh install database comes with American English installed as the default base language, AMERICA as the default territory, and US7ASCII as the default character set. You can select additional languages and modify the default base language and the default territory settings on this screen.
    If you select additional languages, you may also need to select an alternative character set for the database and the APPL_TOP. Note that the conversion to a different character set will be automatic, but it may take several hours to complete.
    The default territory is used as the NLS territory setting for all users of the Applications installation. The base language is used as the default NLS language setting. Choose a territory from the list of NLS territories if you want to change the default territory setting. Click Select Languages to see a list of available languages.
    Note: Release 11i does not support changing NLS settings or the character set for the Vision Demonstration database.

    In prior versions of Release 11i, the Rapid Install wizard only registered additional languages — it did not actually install them. In this release, the language files will be installed in the APPL_TOP file system during the installation. If you choose to add a language(s) on this screen, Rapid Install prompts you for the location of the language CD(s) later in the
    installation. You must have the Oracle Applications Release 11i NLS CD pack available at that time.
    Warning: If you do not have the language CDs available when Rapid Install prompts you for their location, the installation will stop and you will not be able to continue.
    Double-click a language to move it into the Installed Languages list or highlight it and click the right arrow key. Highlighting a language in the Installed Languages box and clicking the left arrow removes it. You cannot remove American English from this list. Click OK to continue.

    The Base Language list box now shows multiple language choices and the Database Character Set and APPL_TOP Character Set list boxes have changed to a character set that is common to all the selected languages.

    If you want to change the database and APPL_TOP character set from the values shown, select a new value from the dropdown box. If you need to use a character set that is not shown in the dropdown box, enter the APPL_TOP character set name directly in the derived settings screen
    (see Step 9), or the database character set name on the instance settings screen (see Step 10).
    Click Next to continue.
    Note: The languages you install must be compatible with the character set you choose.
    After Rapid Install processing is complete, you must perform additional tasks to complete the
    language installation. See the Oracle Applications NLS Release Notes for more information.

    Step 7: Select host names

    In a multi-node installation, the Rapid Install wizard asks for the names of the hosts where you will install the components for your installation. You can choose to install servers on any number of nodes, each running a different operating system. In the example, Rapid Install will set up the database server on a host named OASERV1 on a machine running on HP-UX. The remaining servers (concurrent processing server, admin server, forms server, and web server)
    will be set up on separate hosts (OASERV2, OASERV3, and so on), each running on Linux.
    Click Next to continue.

    Step 8: Specify main settings information

    Specify the main settings for the various top-level directories and user accounts for your installation.
    The labels on the tabs are derived from the host names you specified on the previous screen. The parameters listed under each tab are determined by the platform you specified for the associated host. For example, if you set up an admin server node called OASERV3 that will run on Linux, the list includes Linux-specific settings such as APPS OS User and APPS OS
    Group. If you indicated that the admin server node runs on Windows, the settings include NT Password and NT User, but not APPS OS User or APPS OS Group.
    There is a separate tab for each node. Click on the tab to activate the settings list. Use the vertical scroll bar or the Up and Down Arrow keys to scroll through the main settings fields and default values. Change the values or accept the current settings.

    If there are more than three hosts to be set up, click the arrow button in the top right corner to access the tabs that are not shown on the screen.
    If you are configuring a number of application (middle) tiers to share a single APPL_TOP, the APPL_TOP base and COMMON_TOP base should be the same for all application tiers and should be set to the shared disk resource.

    Main Settings
    APPL_TOP base: This default directory mount setting appears on subsequent Rapid Install screens for convenience. This is the base directory for the APPL_TOP.
    COMMON_TOP base: This is the base directory for the COMMON_TOP. It contains other
    directories for files that are used across products or in conjunction with third-party products. This default directory mount setting appears on subsequent Rapid Install screens for convenience.
    ORA_TOP base: The base directory for the RDBMS installation.
    DATA_TOP (sys): The directory on the database node that contains the data dictionary for the entire RDBMS.
    DATA_TOP (logs): The directory on the database node that contains the redo log files used by the RDBMS.
    DATA_TOP (data): The directory on the database node that contains the data tablespaces.
    Each product has its own data tablespace within this directory.
    Apps OS User (UNIX): Owner of the Oracle Applications file system and Applications
    technology stack.
    Apps OS Group (UNIX): Default OS (operating system) group for the Applications OS user.
    Oracle OS User (UNIX): Owner of the Oracle database file system.
    Oracle OS Group (UNIX): Default OS (operating system) group for the Oracle OS user.
    NT User (Windows): If you choose the Windows platform for running the concurrent
    manager service, this is the user that runs the service.
    NT Password (Windows): If you choose the Windows platform for running the concurrent
    manager service, this is the password of the user that runs the service.
    DNS Domain Name: A valid domain name used when configuring Oracle Applications for the network. This is a required field. You must enter a domain name that, when combined with a host name, produces a fully qualified domain name.
    X DISPLAY (UNIX): Used by the reports server, forms server, Apache server, and the
    concurrent manager, this display must always be accessible during runtime. Should be set to an active X Windows display, and should point to a machine that is always available to the Oracle Applications instance.

    Step 9: Specify derived settings information

    The following screen shows detailed settings for each host you set up on the main setting screen in the previous step. Click on a tab to activate the settings list. Use the vertical scroll bar or the Up and Down Arrow keys to scroll through the main settings fields and default values.
    Click Next to continue.
    Note: If you change a recommended character set (by overwriting the default) in this screen, be sure the languages you install are compatible with the character set you choose.

    Derived Settings

    APPL_TOP Mount Point, APPL_TOP aux 1, APPL_TOP aux 2, APPL_TOP aux 3: The
    primary APPL_TOP mount point directory, and the auxiliary mount point directories used to distribute APPL_TOP among multiple directories or partitions. If you plan to install the entire file system on one mount point or disk, all APPL_TOP auxiliary directories should have the same mount point or disk name.
    APPL_TOP Char. Set: The character set of the files within the file systems installed on the application tier. The character set is carried over from your selection in the NLS Settings of the Language screen.
    COMMON_TOP: The common top directory holds directories for files that are used across
    products or in conjunction with third-party products. It contains the:
    • Rapid Install admin directory with subdirectories for concurrent manager log and out
    directories, the install subdirectory (contains scripts used only during an install), and the
    scripts subdirectory (contains scripts used for daily maintenance of the Oracle
    Applications instance).
    • html directory, which contains files used by html-based products such as JSP files, Java scripts, xml files, and style sheets.
    • java directory where Rapid Install installs all Oracle Applications JAR files. It also holds 3rd-party Java files.
    • portal directory, which contains Rapid Install Portal files.
    • temp directory, which is used for caching by some processes such as Oracle Reports.
    • util directory, which contains 3rd-party utilities such as JDK, JRE, and UnZip.
    Database ORACLE_HOME: The ORACLE_HOME directory installed on the database tier.
    It hosts the Oracle database server.
    8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME: The ORACLE_HOME directory installed on each node of the
    application tier. This ORACLE_HOME hosts the Oracle Developer components of the
    Applications technology stack. The application tier file system is linked to this 8.0.6 ORACLE_ HOME.
    Tool ORACLE_HOME: The ORACLE_HOME directory installed on each node of the
    application tier that is used for the iAS components, including the Oracle HTTP server.

    DATA_TOP (sys): The directory on the database node that contains the data dictionary for the entire RDBMS.
    DATA_TOP (logs): The directory on the database node that contains the redo log files used by the RDBMS.
    DATA_TOP (data): The directory on the database node that contains the data tablespaces. Each product has its own data tablespace within this directory.
    DATA_TOP (index): The directory on the database node that contains the index tablespaces. Each product has its own index tablespace within this directory.
    JAVA_TOP: Contains the Java files used by all Oracle Applications products. This directory is in the COMMON_TOP directory.
    PORTAL_TOP: Contains the HTML used to review and complete the installation after Rapid Install. These include the post-install steps and the configuration files, written as HTML files.
    JRE_TOP: Contains the Java Runtime Engine files used by all Oracle Applications products.These include the Java platform core classes and supporting files.
    Temp Directory: Contains temporary files. This directory is not used during installation.

    Apps OS User (UNIX): Owner of the Oracle Applications file system and Applications
    technology stack.
    Apps OS Group (UNIX): Default OS (operating system) group for the Applications OS user.
    Oracle OS User (UNIX): Owner of the database file system.
    Oracle OS Group (UNIX): Default OS (operating system) group for the Oracle OS user.
    NT User (Windows): If you choose the Windows platform for running the concurrent
    manager service, this is the user that runs the service.
    NT Password (Windows): If you choose the Windows platform for running the concurrent
    manager service, this is the password of the user that runs the service.
    DNS Domain Name: The domain the machine is assigned to on the network.

    MKS Directory (Windows): MKS tools must be added in the PATH so that executables can
    be used to relink Applications executables and .DLLs.
    MSDEV Directory (Windows): Location of the Visual C/C++ executables and .DLL files.
    Used for linking Applications executables or .DLLs.
    DBA Group Name (UNIX): The user that owns the Oracle database must belong to this
    X DISPLAY (UNIX): Used by the reports server, forms server, apache server, and the
    concurrent manager, this display must always be accessible during runtime. Should be set to an active X Windows display, and should point to a machine that is always available to the Oracle Applications instance.
    External JDK: Points to location of the JDK installation. Required by Apache to successfully start the JSERV engine. Must be the same as the location where you downloaded JDK.
    OUI Inventory Path (Windows): Path used by the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) for
    installation. The Inventory contains components installed by Rapid Install and is used for patching in certain circumstances.

    Step 10: Review instance settings information

    Rapid Install uses the values specified on this screen to configure server processes, such as those on the forms and web servers, as well as listener processes.

    The starting number of the port value is pre-set, but you can set the incremental number by using the dropdown list in the Port Pool field. The Port Pool list provides a way to use a predefined set of server ports. There are 100 port pool selections.

    For example, if you select 3, the default Database Port number (1521) becomes 1524
    (increment of 3). If you do not want to use the port pool feature, you can specify ports manually by adjusting individual server port values where appropriate.
    Use the vertical scroll bar or the Up and Down Arrow keys to move through the instance settings. You can change the values or accept the current settings. Click Next to continue.

    Instance Settings
    SID: Name of the database instance.
    Global Name: Global database name.
    DB Character Set: Character set of the database.
    Default Territory: Defines the NLS territory.
    Database Port: Net Services Listener port that receives requests from the various servers for processing on the RDBMS.
    RPC Port: Oracle Applications uses the Report Review Agent (an RPC server process). The RPC port is the TCP/IP port on the concurrent processing server node that receives incoming Report Review Agent requests.
    Reports Port: TCP/IP port on the reports server that receives incoming requests from
    browsers or other servers.
    Web Listener Port: HTTP port on the web server that receives incoming requests from
    browsers or other servers.
    OProcMgr Port: Port for process that monitors the Apache JVM state. Routes requests for the JVM.

    Instance Settings
    Web PLSQL Port:. Port that receives PL/SQL data and HTML content from the database and re-directs it to the PL/SQL Apache listener.
    Servlet Port: Port on the web server that browsers connect to when invoking Java servlets.
    Forms Listener Port: TCP/IP port on the forms server that receives incoming requests from browsers or other servers.
    Metrics Server Data Port: TCP/IP port on which the Metrics server receives load data from
    Metrics clients running on other machines.
    Metrics Server Req. Port: TCP/IP port on which the Metrics server receives the “least-loaded
    host” requests from forms clients.
    JTF Fulfillment Server Port: TCP/IP port on which the Fulfillment server receives requests from a remote process.
    Map Viewer Servlet Port: Dedicated TCP/IP servlet port on the web server that receives requests for the Map Viewer.
    OEM Web Utility Port: Dedicated TCP/IP port on the web server that receives requests for the Oracle Enterprise Manager.
    VisiBroker OrbServer Agent Port: Dedicated TCP/IP port on the web server that receives requests for the VisiBroker OrbServer agent, used by Oracle Discoverer.
    MSCA Server Port: Port used by the MSCA (Mobile Supply Chain Applications) server.
    MSCA Dispatcher Port: Port used by the MSCA Dispatcher.
    OACORE Servlet Port Range: Range of ports used by the OACORE servlets (for the Self-
    Service framework).
    Discoverer Servlet Port Range: Range of ports used by the Discoverer servlets.
    Forms Servlet Port Range: Range of ports used for the Forms Servlet JServ processes.
    XMLSVCS Servlet Port Range: Range of ports used by the XML service.

    Step 11: Save the configuration file

    You have now completed all the information Rapid Install needs to install your Oracle
    Applications products. The next screen asks you to save your installation settings in a configuration file. This file (config.txt) stores the configuration parameters that you entered on the settings screens.

    The default is to store the configuration file in the system temporary directory. It’s a good idea to choose a permanent directory location because you will use this file to complete the installation on the other nodes. Enter a directory path or click Browse. Select a location and click Next to continue.

    Step 12: Review pre-install test results

    Rapid Install begins to perform a series of system checks to validate the configuration described by your configuration file. As the parameters are tested, the results of the validation
    checks are recorded in the system test dialog box. When the tests are complete, Rapid Install provides a check list of the tests that it performed and an indication of whether the tests succeeded or failed.

    Parameter Validation
    The parameters that Rapid Install validates include:
    • Port Availability validates the ports you selected are available for use.
    • Operating System Check validates the patches and/or version levels of your operating system.
    • Port Uniqueness validates that there are no duplicate defined ports for server processes.
    • File System Check validates that file system mount points exist and have correct privileges.
    • File Space Check validates that file system mount points have sufficient space.
    • Host/Domain Check validates that host and domain names are verified by the DNS
    • System Utilities Check validates that linking utilities (make, ld, and cc) are available.
    • JDK Availability Check validates that JDK exists in the location you supplied.
    The results of each test are displayed using check list icons. Scroll down the list to see the
    results. There are three result types:
    • Check mark: The test succeeded.
    • Exclamation mark (!): The configuration requires review. Click the ! to get information about the system test review. Click Yes to continue, and No if you are going to resolve the issues. Rapid Install alerts you if you continue without resolving the issues.
    • An x mark: All issues marked x must be resolved before you continue with the
    installation. Click the x to see the errors. If you can resolve an issue by fixing the values provided on the settings screen(s), click Back until you reach the appropriate screen, and re-enter the values. Some tests must be resolved in the operating system. In that case, you may have to restart the Rapid Install wizard after the problem has been fixed. When there are no issues to resolve, click Next to continue.

    Step 13: Begin the installation (on the database node)

    Rapid Install lists the actions it will take during the installation process. The list varies based on your installation. Click Next to continue.
    Rapid Install displays another alert screen asking you to verify that you are ready to begin the installation. Click Yes to continue. Rapid Install begins the installation. When the installation is complete, you have installed Oracle Applications on the database node.

    Step 14: Complete the installation on the
    other nodes

    Completion of the database node installation is the first step in a multi-node installation. Next, you must set up the additional nodes. You can set up additional nodes in any order.
    1. Copy the configuration file (config.txt) you saved in Step 11 to each of the other nodes in your installation.
    2. Start Rapid Install, and choose the Install Oracle Applications option. Click Next to continue.
    3. On the next screen (configuration type), choose the Read Configuration from File option.
    Click Next to continue.
    4. Rapid Install prompts you for the location of the config.txt file on this node.Enter the directory path, or click Browse. Then click Next to continue.
    5. Because you set up the parameters for all nodes when you first created the configuration file, Rapid Install automatically moves past the main settings, derived settings, and instance settings screens. It goes directly to the pre-install test and begins the validation process. See Step 12 for details.
    6. Review or resolve any issues flagged with ! or x on the pre-install test results screen.
    Then, click Back to return to the screen where you saved the configuration file. Click Next to re-run the pre-install test. If there are no issues listed on the summary screen, click Next to continue.
    7. Click Next when each alert screen is displayed. Rapid Install begins the installation on the second node.
    8. Repeat all the steps in this section for each of the other nodes in your installation.


    posted by Srinivasan .R @ 3:06 AM   0 comments
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    Name: Srinivasan .R
    Home: Chennai, India

    About Me:
    I am working as an Oracle Applications DBA specializing in EBS 11i/R12 with Over 14+ years of experience, mainly in different versions of Oracle Database & Application administration on various platforms like HP-UX, SOLARIS, AIX, Red hat Linux & Windows
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